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How to Fix Your Broken Metabolism: The MD Factor Diet

If you feel like you're putting on weight even though you're not eating anything, The MD Factor Diet might be just the plan you need to reset your metabolism and make a dent in your belly fat.





If you read my blog, you probably know, or can guess I’m not a big fan of “diets”. They just don’t work. I’ve worked with clients for long enough to know that the ones who come in with “Just tell me what to eat and I’ll do it”, are the first ones to not show up for their follow up appointments – and that’s not because they don’t need my services any longer. It’s the people who listen and learn, ask great questions, set their own goals, and create their own plan that are successful in making changes in their diet and their health.

I wasn't compensated to write this post, but I did receive a free copy of The MD Factor Diet by the publisher for my review, and let’s just say I was skeptical.  Happily, I found that even though this sounds like a diet book – AKA “Tell me what to eat, and when”, it’s not.

I work with many people, especially women, who never had a weight or blood sugar problem in their life until they hit menopause, and now they have belly fat, high blood pressure and they’re told they have prediabetes. Most have older family members in the same boat. While I’m sure they do their share of eating out, birthday celebrations and holiday feasting – who doesn’t, I really don’t think most eat that much, yet they can’t lose weight, or even just lose that belly fat. It’s frustrating to have to count every morsel that you eat, and to have to always say no to certain foods.


The MD Factor Diet does a great job of explaining why so many people are in the I-never-eat-but-I-can’t-lose-weight-so-I’m-just-gonna-have-this-ice cream boat. It’s because your metabolism is dysfunctional. Symptoms are real – I have many myself, and according to the author, they include sugar cravings – check; having energy dips throughout the day – check; and just feeling tired and hungry all of the time. Hello. And let’s not forget that growing muffin-top. Where did THAT come from? Blame it on menopause, or a too sedentary job, or the holidays, but chances are, your metabolism is probably at least a little bit dysfunctional.




How to Fix Your Broken Metabolism|Craving Something Healthy



The dysfunction is caused by age, hormonal changes, stress, and just a little bit of belly weight (probably because that's where tend to store fat) that sets the entire process in motion until it snowballs out of control. This book explains the science behind Metabolism Dysfunction, and the best ways to reverse it. It also provides diet guidelines, recipes, and even meal plans if you want them. But take my advice – if you see yourself in any of the examples, and if you have tried diets and even lots of exercise without much or any success, use the lists of foods she provides and sit down and make your own plan. It’s perfectly OK to do, and you'll be more likely to stick to it if you choose the foods you like.


The goal of The MD Factor Diet is to change the way you feed your cells. That means eating only the good, healthy, high fiber carbs your body needs and fueling more with protein and healthy fats to help reverse insulin resistance. You’ll reduce your carbs quite a bit for just a few days while you eat protein rich meals and snacks. Then you’ll follow a moderate carb diet for the rest of the month, followed by meals and snacks that have a bit more carb. It isn’t that carbohydrates are the enemy, but rather that too many refined carbs from breads, cereals, crackers, pretzels and desserts stress our insulin and set the MD (metabolism dysfunction) Factor in motion. So eating more protein and introducing only healthy carbs like whole grains, beans, and fruits and vegetables helps to reset the system and starts to get rid of that belly fat.


The plan is easy to understand and follow, and I really appreciate that the author gives you complete flexibility to eat the foods you like as long as they fit into the carb and protein goals. I also love the fact that she tells you how to prepare – clean out the fridge and pantry, make an emergency plan for birthdays and special events that come up, and if you’re not exercising, focus only on the food part first. I give the exact same advice. The MD Factor Diet is worth a read, and if you need help setting it into motion, shoot me an email!


How do you feel about "Tell me what to eat diets"?  Have you ever had any success following one?

Eat well!






    1. Hi Monique, As long as you're choosing high fiber, non-starchy veggies, you shouldn't need to count those. They have very little impact on your blood sugar and the fiber actually helps to stabilize it.

  1. So good to see this. I've been eating a low carb, high protein diet most of my life because of reactive hypoglycemia. I've kept at a healthy weight but had to eat often nonetheless. Then I started reading the research on the health benefits of intermittent fasting and have been on the plan in which you fast for 16 hours, then eat for 8 hours for almost a week. NO hypo AT ALL. I've always been afraid that I'd crash when I felt hungry. Now, yes, I do get hungry in the morning at the end if the 16 hours, but it's just that--hunger with no negative consequences like weakness or brain fog. I'm stunned, and hope to make this way of eating a lifestyle.

    1. So glad it works for you Rhonda! I do see many people with blood sugar issues who are able to manage them really well on a higher protein diet. The most important thing is to experiment and find an eating plan that works for you and your body! Thanks for visiting 🙂

  2. This is not an independent review, given that you say you don't want to spoil the ending, you actually say nothing about the features of the diet, and you are being paid for each sale via this page! I can't believe the suckers out there don't spot this immediately as simply marketing!
    I guess that's why comment moderation is enabled. You will not publish this.

    1. Hi Jenny - Thanks for your comment. I always disclose at the beginning of a blog post if I am being compensated, and if you read the post, you'll see that. I actually am a fan of higher protein diets like this one for women with metabolic syndrome, and I also mentioned that in the post when I described the features of the diet. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. I have just found out that I am allergic to MANY food, well at least sensitive. How can I follow the MD factor with soon many sensitivities. I am also insulin resistant to boot!

    1. So sorry to hear that Barbara! Having food sensitivities makes healthy eating much trickier! Try to work with a dietitian who can help you to plan a healthy and balanced diet while taking into account the foods you much avoid. Feel free to email me privately also if you have specific questions.

    1. Hi Michelle - Yes, there are some recipes and meal plans for vegetarian options in the book. She also provides general lists of foods to choose from, so you can make your own meals from foods on the list. Some of the meals plans that are non-vegetarian have proteins like ground beef, and I would recommend swapping that for a veggie ground meat which will give you the protein without too many carbs. I offer nutrition consulting sessions via Skype, if you need any help with substitutions!

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