
5 Rules to Pack a Healthy Lunch Box

It's easy to get into a rut when packing lunches for yourself or your family. These easy tips can help make it easier and help you pack a healthy lunch box every day.

Aaaah, sweet September – the month that says “Let’s get down to business”. Time to leave the carefree days of summer behind and get back to school, busier at work, on the soccer field, behind the wheel for your turn at carpool…

For most of us, starting in September, life gets a little bit more hectic, and it doesn’t let up until after the holidays. Packing lunches also goes hand-in-hand with September, whether you’re packing for the kids’ lunches, or just trying to make more of an effort to eat healthier yourself. If you’re stuck in the turkey-sandwich-apple-yogurt-in-a-brown-paper-bag rut, here’s a little inspiration to keep it interesting and my 5 rules to keep your lunch box healthy.

Pitch the Paper Bag

Invest in a good lunch box. Not only will it make you happy when you look at it, but it will also help keep your lunch contents fresher and more organized. This feeds your creative side, which will make it easier to think outside the lunch box about what will go inside.

Find an assortment of bags, bento boxes, and insulated containers on sites like The Grommet (love them!), at The Container Store, or any of the big box stores. Look for something insulated to help keep foods fresher and washable because otherwise, it’s just gross.

Start With Protein

Protein foods are great for filling you up and holding you until late afternoon snack time (don’t forget to pack those). Think lean, like eggs, Greek yogurt, turkey, leftover grilled chicken or tuna, or for vegan options, tofu or nut butters. Aim for about 3 ounces or at least ½ cup of protein foods.

What's In Your Lunchbox?|Craving Something Healthy

Add Some Whole Grain

Try to move away from regular bread or bagels and try some whole-wheat naan or wrap bread. A few times a week, skip the sandwich and experiment with grains like quinoa, farro, freekeh, wheat berries, or even plain old whole-wheat pasta as a bed for a whole grain salad.

Legumes like lentils or beans aren't really grains, but they're another great option for healthy carbs.  If you really want to get wild, try some corn for your grain.  You don’t need much grain – again just about ½ cup or a piece is a good serving size. Don’t worry – it’ll be fine once you add your protein and vegetables.

What's In Your Lunchbox?|Craving Something Healthy

Load Up On Veggies

Here’s where you can go wild. Hopefully, you have some leftover roasted or grilled vegetables from dinner – if not, get on that and start making twice as much. Add them to your grain and protein for a “wanna swap lunches” whole grain salad.

Of course, raw vegetables are always convenient – but don’t fall into the baby carrot rut. Keep it interesting with zucchini spears, mini peppers, cucumber baguettes, baby greens, or refrigerator picked vegetables. Aim for at least 1 cup of vegetables in your lunch box, and pack some extra for snacks.

Toss it all together in a salad bowl, mason jar or even a Ziploc bag, and bring some dressing to add before eating, or a dip to keep it interesting.  I have a whole category on this website for Salad Dressings, Sauces, and Seasonings if you need a few ideas.

What's In Your Lunchbox?|Craving Something Healthy

Top It Off With Fruit

It’s the perfect sweet treat and end to your meal, not to mention you’ll power through the rest of your afternoon thanks to the natural sugar and vitamins. All fruit (and vegetables) are good for you, so again, go for variety and stock up on cherries, grapes, peaches and pears – whatever’s in season, rather than just tossing in an apple every day. Try to eat one or two pieces of fruit with lunch or as a snack.

What's In Your Lunchbox?|Craving Something Healthy

I find it helpful to write out a list for the week so you remember all of those creative lunch ideas you had on Sunday night AND you’re sure to have the fridge stocked with healthy goods. If you follow the rules and include at least 4 different foods in your lunch – and in your snack- you’re guaranteed to keep it healthy!  

What makes you smile when you open your lunch box?

Eat well!


  1. Stopping by from the Lean Green Bean, I love it!! This is great common sense advice, but the visuals make it so much more appealing 🙂

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